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6 months ago   Business, Industry & Export Market   Nugegoda   76 views

Location: Nugegoda

Price: ₨12,990


Moving Walker With Wheels SOFTA
Lightweight walking frame
Lightweight walking frame
Excellent folding mechanism
Suitable for indoor and outdoor
Vinyl contoured handgrip
Easy push-button mechanisms
Lightweight walking frame is suitable for indoor and outdoor use anyone needing an extra level of support, in and around the home.
The Folding Aluminum Walker offers 5 in. wheels and newly designed rear glide caps for use on many types of terrain
Each side operates independently to allow easy movement through narrow spaces and greater stability while standing
Excellent folding mechanism for easy storage and transportation
The patient is able to bring the walker closer to assist in standing
Vinyl contoured handgrip
Easy push-button mechanisms may be operated by fingers, palms or side of hand
Moulded plastic or foam rubber hand grips which enable the pressure exerted through the hands to be spread evenly over the palm.
Height Adjustment Range: 78-96cm
Load Capacity: 100kg
Width – 46cm
Weight – 5.0Kg